Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Physical Education, The Arts and World Languages

Panel Discussion Physical Education, Health The Arts & World Languages 2
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Instructional Trends in Physical Education, The Arts & World Languages

Abraham Maslow: Maslow’s Hierarchy

A widely popular theory of personality and personal autonomy that has influenced a number of different fields, including education

Physical Education

Current Trends of Physical Education classes have focused on:

· Adding physical activity to student’s daily lives

· Developing skills and desire to live active lifestyles

· Promoting self-confidence and helping students establish and achieve goals

· Initiating positive attitudes and behaviors about health and fitness to promote lifetime health


· Trost and De Mars (2010)

o 3.8% of Elementary, 7.8% Middle, 2.1% High School offered students daily Physical education classes

o Since No Child Left Behind there has been a steady decline of offered PE classes

o Time cut from P.E is reallocated toward reading/language arts

§ Finding: No significant positive correlation between physical fitness and achievement testing

o Policy makers shouldn’t try to “justify” Cutting PE

o School administrators need to maximize opportunities to offer physical activity for all students

· Trudeau and Shepard (2008) Relationships between academic performance and school based physical activity

o The allocation of up to an hour a day per day (five days a week) of physical education does not affect academic performance

o Small gains in GPA for most students, suggests relative increase in performance per unit of academic teaching time

o Physical activity shown to specifically have a positive influence on concentration, memory and classroom behavior

o Supports the distribution of physical education classes across the spectrum, pointing to a positive relationship between physical activity and intellectual performance

Arts, Music, Drama

What is art and why is it important to be creative?

The finest creative minds conjure imitable ways to bend the ‘rules’ of artistic constructions of their day, take art to a new level and often innovating new genres. Among these are Claude Monet with his piece soleil levant who’s painting of a sun rise coined the name for impressionism and Igor Stravinsky who’s Rite of Spring incited a riot that ultimately challenged the way in which musicians and the public thought about rhythm. Often, artists themselves turn their artistic magnifying glass inwards on their own craft– inevitably further challenging the definitions of the art its self.

· Robert Ryman: ( “Pace” 1930).

o Ryman noted that paintings are usually hung vertically against the wall because people need to ‘see them”. However, because he was not really making pictures, he thought a work could possibly be vertically.

· Marcel Duchamp: (Fountain 1917)

o work he referred to as readymades or found art

· John Cage: 4’33”

o Put a picture figurative picture frame around every day sounds thus challenging what listeners consider to be music.

o Let this be a model of how we think about every educational moment.

Trends in Art Education

· Art should be extended to all artistic realms: dance, drama, ceramics and not just confined to just music the visual arts and literature.

1. Schools are confined by resources– time, money, an staff to support such a diverse program

  • As educators must educate the public just as we educate our students, being actively involved in the communities in which we work. It is our responsibility to inform the public as to what is best for their children so we can intron, give them what they want (and what we want).
  • Art in Interdisciplinary Studies: (Allan A. Galdhorn, 2006)

1. Communicate with colleagues, plan units which imbed aspects of the arts in core subject areas as well as imbed core subject areas in to areas of the arts.

1. Social Studies: critique a piece of art from the stand point of a certain peoples from a certain time period.

2. Use music, melody, rhythm and rhyme to learn language in a foreign language or EFL class

3. Illustrate perspective in a language arts class

World Languages

World Language Standards/Trends

(Allan A. Galdhorn, 2006)

The Old Ways

The New Trends

Drill and Kill

Natural Acquisition

Bottom up

Bottom up and Top down

Discrete point assessment

Performance based assessment

Knowledge of: vocabulary, grammatical accuracy

Knowledge about: language, communication

· Communicate in Languages other than English

· Gain knowledge and understanding of cultures of other countries

· Connect with other disciplines and acquire information

· Develop understandings through comparisons through develop insight into the Natures of languages and cultures

· Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

Attribution Theory (Kearsley, 1994-2010)

  • Achievement
    • (1) effort, (2) ability, (3) level of task difficulty, or (4) luck.
  • Causal dimensions of behavior
    • (1) locus of control, (2) stability, and (3) controllability

Effective Instructional Methods:

  • Captivate the students interests
  • Foster intrinsic motivation
  • Use the language as the means to communicate topics of interest to students
  • Positive motivation

Works Cited

Allan A. Galdhorn, F. B. (2006). Curriculum Leadership: Development And Implementation. Sage Publications.

James A. Coleman, A. G. (2007, December). Motivation of UK School Pupils Towards Foreign Languages: A Large-Scale survey at Key Stage 3. 35(No 2), pp. 245-281.

Kearsley, D. G. (1994-2010). Attribution Theory (B. Weiner). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Attribution Theory (B. Weiner):

Trost, S.G. & der Mars, H.V. (2010) Why We Should Not Cut P.E. Educational Leadership (Health and Learning), 69(4) 60-65.

Trudeau, F. & Shepard R. J. (2008) Physical Education, School Physical Activity, School Sports, and Academic Performance. Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5(10) 1-12.